Wills & Estate Planning
Wills & Probates Direct in Adelaide
Why is wills and estate planning important?
Legally valid will
Taking the time to make an effective, legally valid will is one of the most important things you can do to protect your family from unnecessary stress and cost after you’re gone and to ensure they will be looked after. Everyone over 18 who has assets in their own name (or superannuation with associated insurance death benefits) should make a will to provide for their loved ones and to ensure a smooth transfer of those assets to the people of their choice.
Katrina has years of experience in advising on estate planning and preparing wills, from the simple to the very complex. Her background in commercial and taxation law gives her the knowledge to understand commercial structures and to plan for the transfer of those assets through your will to achieve your intended outcomes. Katrina understands when and why to include testamentary trusts, superannuation proceeds trusts and other types of trusts in your will, and how to make them flexible to your particular circumstances. Where necessary and appropriate, we work together with your accountant and financial planner to ensure your estate plan is effective and appropriate for your circumstances.

At the same time as considering your will, we strongly recommend that you also put in place plans for any future incapacity through preparation of a power of attorney and an advance care directive . This will ensure that if you somehow become unable to make decisions about your finances, your medical treatment or living arrangements, then the person or persons who you trust to make these decisions can do so quickly, simply and cost effectively.
Katrina has the knowledge, experience and skills to help you in all areas of wills and estate planning.
Contact us to find out more or to arrange a video call or a home visit with Katrina.
How can we assist you?
At Wills & Probates Direct we can:
Write a legally valid will that is clear and leaves no room for misunderstanding or confusion in its interpretation;
Advise you in regard to choosing executors for your will and guardians for your minor children;
Advise you in regard to the possibility of your will being contested and options for dealing with that;
Advise you on the best options for your will in your particular circumstances, including, where necessary and appropriate, the use of testamentary trusts, protective trusts, special disability trusts, superannuation proceeds trusts, life interests, purchase options, and a wealth of other estate planning “tools”;
Advise you in regard to tax effective estate planning;
Prepare valid binding nominations for your superannuation fund to ensure a smooth transition of superannuation;
Where necessary or appropriate for planning purposes, arrange to sever a joint tenancy or transfer a property between spouses, etc; and
Safely store your will and other important legal documents at no charge to you.
Contact Wills & Probates Direct
All appointments by video link or at your home, office, care facility or hospital
0400 421 370
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
* After hours available.