Power of Attorney
Wills & Probates Direct in adelaide
What is a Power of Attorney?
An enduring power of attorney is one of the most important legal documents you will ever sign. An enduring power of attorney is a document in which you appoint someone to deal with your financial and legal matters if you can’t do so yourself for any reason.
Having a power of attorney allows someone of your choosing to act for you if circumstances require, to do things such as access your bank accounts to pay your bills, sell your house and sign legal documents on your behalf.
There are various times when an enduring power of attorney may be useful, including loss of mental capacity due to age related illnesses or sudden trauma event (e.g. car accident, stroke, fall, etc.), extended overseas travel and extended hospital stay due to major illness or injury. It’s like insurance! i.e. it’s often not needed, but it’s invaluable to have if circumstances require it.
At Wills & Probates Direct we know that life is sometimes unpredictable and, sadly, accidents can happen at any time. We therefore believe that everyone over the age of 18 years who has assets such as bank accounts, real estate, etc. in their own name should have an enduring power of attorney to ensure that someone you know and trust can quickly and easily deal with your financial and legal affairs, if required.
Having an enduring power of attorney in place not only gives you peace of mind, but it also makes life a lot simpler for the person who will deal with your financial affairs. There are a number of very important decisions to make when considering a power of attorney. Katrina has the knowledge and experience to guide you through that decision making process and to prepare a document that will reflect your specific needs and wishes.
Contact Wills & Probates Direct
All appointments by video link or at your home, office, care facility or hospital
0400 421 370
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
* After hours available.